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French Flag

Written by

Joey Faggion, Andrew Faggion, Zach Meeker

Music & Lyrics

Andrew Faggion, Cameron Peterson, Dion Castro


Joey Faggion, Andrew Faggion


November 7th - 11th, 2017


The Burning Coal Theater - Raleigh, NC

France is in turmoil, and so are the emotions of a particular young protagonist. D'Artagnan has pursued the life of a musketeer since he was a wee baby boy, and at long last, his time has come to set out into the world and fulfill his destiny, but life isn't all sunshine and roses like he's been led to believe.


Recorded on November 8th, 2017 at Burning Coal Theatre in Raleigh, NC.

Starring: Joey Faggion, Zach Meeker, Cameron Peterson, Madeline O'Melia, Wilson Brant, Dion Castro, Libby Snover, Josh Lyman, and Andrew Faggion.

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